terça-feira, 25 de abril de 2017

This company's being acquired tomorrow

Its share price is going through the stratosphere.

The cat might be out of the bag now but there is still a massive opportunity to benefit.

I say that the secret is out because the stock price has gone up two days in a row but the reality is that it must be very few people who know information otherwise it would've gone ten times higher.

In case you missed my message yesterday, here is what is happening.. A big pharma corp is acquiring a minuscule public co and this is happening at a price that is 20 times greater than where it currently is.

This means that if you can put 10 thousand in right now, you will take out 200 grand by Thursday morning.

This info is solid. It comes from an attorney who's a long time friend of mine and who literally saw the acquisition documents with his own eyes.

You must be wondering what the company's trading symbol is, and I will not tease you any longer� it's Q like in Quality, S like in Straight, M like Mary and G like Gold

These four letters together make up the company's ticker and that's what you will need to give to your broker, or type into your online account to purchase the stock.

I highly recommend you do this as quickly as possible because there is no guarantee that the price will remain this low much longer.

I expect it'll continue to rise and rise as the insider information spreads. Nonetheless the potential to benefit is absolutely gigantic here.

Best Regards,
Coleman Morrow

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Acerca de mim

Lisboa, Portugal
Sol em Gêmeos, Lua em Áries Você nasceu com o Sol em Gêmeos e a Lua em Áries. Sua natureza emocional e suas faculdades intelectuais se complementam, de modo que sua personalidade é bem integrada. Apesar de sua mente versátil e de seu apreço pelas mudanças, você tem idéias muito definidas. Suas ambições se concentram na área intelectual. Você gosta de viajar e conscientemente busca experiências de aprendizagem. Gêmeos lhe confere uma visão muito humanística, além de empatia pela humanidade em geral. Você detesta a violência e não consegue entendê-la. Sua natureza ambígua pode trazer-lhe muitos problemas. Exteriormente, você se mostra entusiástico e impulsivo, dando a impressão de ser alguém que faz questão de fazer as coisas a seu próprio modo. Você não tem medo de mudanças nem de paradoxos, nunca pestanejando em contradizer-se quando sente vontade. Você aparenta ser mais agressivo e entusiástico do que na realidade é. Procure conciliar o lado intelectual de sua individualidade com a natureza mais impulsiva e militante de sua personalidade.


Uma Cidade com a minha cara!

Fantástico aqui ou em Espanha!

Barcelona, with a population census of 1,593,075 on 1 January 2005, is divided into ten administrative districts, each one with its own district council, which allows a decentralised, local administration, closer to the residents.
The ten city districts are Ciutat Vella, Eixample, Sants-Montjuïc, Les Corts, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, Gràcia, Horta-Guinardó, Nou Barris, Sant Andreu and Sant Martí.
This division of the city has its roots based on the history of the city.

Uma outra forma de viver a cidade. Acorda Lisboa!

É proibido mas elas andavam lá.

O peso do Mundo.

Ciutat Vella is the old centre of the city and the Eixample is where the city expanded after the city walls were knocked down.The other districts correspond to municipal areas which were around the old city, outside the walls, and which became part of Barcelona during the 19th and 20th centuries.Each district is divided into different wards, each with its own personality and historic traditions.

A Paella do meu descontentamento

Saltos Altos

Quando chega o Verão...

Pastorinha, não tenhas medo que esta não salta!

Did you Know...

many streets still bear the name of the craft or trade that was traditionally carried out there, such as Argenteria or Boters…?